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JB Hi-Fi (JBH) 3Q23 results insights

Sales decline now underway

05 May 2023

JB Hi-Fi’s 3Q23 trading update revealed only a modest slowdown in sales at JB Hi-Fi Australia, but a more notable slowdown in The Good Guys. JB Hi-Fi February and March comp sales fell 0.9% on our calculations and the Good Guys was down 5.7%. The distinction is largely a function of inflation trends shifting lower in appliances more so than consumer electronics. The downturn for JB Hi-Fi is proving orderly so far, but sales trends will slow further from here.

Endeavour Group (EDV) 3Q23 sales result

Mixed signals in its sales recovery

04 May 2023

Endeavour Group reported a modest lift in 3Q23 sales with improved sales in Retail still lagging the rate of inflation and the Hotel segment sales recovery driven by lower margin food and beverage sales. Endeavour should report earnings growth in FY23e, but growth may step down in FY24e as soft sales trends, weaker gaming sales and higher wage costs places pressure on profit margins.

Shipping costs fall back to 2019 levels

The impact on retail inflation

24 April 2023

What a roller coaster it’s been for anyone importing retail goods! The Shanghai Containerized Freight Index shown in the chart below peaked in January 2022 and was 5x higher than its 2019 level. As the world returns to “normal”, sea freight rates are dropping back to 2019 levels. We view freight rates as a barometer of both the supply chain strain and outsized retail demand witnessed during COVID-19. While supply chains are still recovering, inflation in import-driven categories has peaked in our view and may unwind as some of the sea freight savings are passed through. Lower inflation is one of the key triggers for slower retail sales growth over the next 12 months.

For more on inflation click here 

Retail forecasts for 2023

Brace for impact this year

11 January 2023

It is inevitable that Australian retail sales growth will be much weaker in 2023 compared with 2022. We forecast industry sales growth at 2%, down from 11% last year. Many are anticipating that retail spending will fall off a cliff. However, volumes are already weak. It is price inflation that is supporting above trend spending. We expect inflation to taper off gradually, which means a more visible downturn in retail sales in the July-December 2023 period in our view. The categories most vulnerable to an earlier slowdown are furniture, hardware and recreational goods where we forecast a decline this year. In the food sector, elevated inflation will support growth of 5% in 2023. The risks to our retail forecasts are to the upside if inflation is higher and households dip into their excess savings built up over the past three years.

JB Hi-Fi 1Q23 sales insights

Double-digit growth now over

31 October 2022

JB Hi-Fi reported a very strong 1Q23 sales trading update, which was elevated given the period lapped lockdowns last year. The three-year average growth rates are mid to high single digits reflecting sustained consumer demand and support from both price inflation and mix. We expect sales momentum to slow in 2Q23e as the company laps a more normalised sales base. We forecast 2Q23e comp sales for JB Hi-Fi Australia at 4.4% and The Good Guys at 3.3%. Given we expect a sales slowdown from here, we are more cautious on the stock.

The Retail Mosaic Issue 4

The role of China in Australian retail - the risks and benefits in offshore sourcing

13 September 2022

Australia is an open economy and over the past twenty years, its retailers have increasingly imported consumer goods. In Issue 4 of The Retail Mosaic, we explore the extent of imports by retail category, the significance of China in supplying goods and exposure various companies have to direct imports from China. China provides the most efficient source of production and for many companies represents more than 70% of their offshore sourcing. The risk is that any increase in costs, supply disruptions or trade tensions could impact sales and margins. The companies sourcing most of their goods from China are Wesfarmers, City Chic, Woolworths, Premier Investments and Super Retail Group.

The contribution of price to revenue growth in retail

What mean reverts, price, volume or both?

05 August 2022

A thought to challenge conventional wisdom about price inflation in retail. Perhaps inflation is now within a sweet spot where retailers have price rises to address rising costs, but inflation is not high enough to crimp demand. On our analysis, more than half the outsized sales growth in retail over the past three years was a function of price inflation. In other words, less than half of the sales growth was heightened demand (volume). See the chart below. Inflation is portrayed as evil. Yet deflation is an even bigger headache for retailers. As it stands, retail inflation is between 0%-5% depending on category. This is lower than the general level of inflation in Australia. We expect more price rises over the next six months, which may contribute to better retail sales growth than some expect even as interest rates rise and broader living cost pressures hurt households.

Supermarket margins up

Shaping up as a good FY23e

04 August 2022

We expect a strong year of earnings growth for Australian supermarkets in FY23e. Higher food inflation is boosting sales and gross margins are also rising. We lift our FY23e EPS forecast for the major chains. Woolworths has the strongest sales growth, followed by Metcash, then Coles based on our feedback. In the full report, we address the cycle of price inflation and outlook over the next 12 months; and the outlook for Coles and Woolworths gross profit margins and EBIT margins.

Retail sales forecasts for FY23e

Weaker growth, but inflation is a cushion

20 July 2022

Our view on retail sales is more positive over the next six months, but more cautious on calendar 2023. While the “fear” of higher interest rates makes headlines, the reality is the impact takes more than a year to show through as weaker spending. Near-term, higher wages, stored up savings and retail price inflation will support sales growth. We forecast retail sales to rise 3% in FY23e, down from 6% growth in FY22e. We expect FY23e household goods sales to fall 2%. Electronics, furniture, hardware will find it most difficult given the high baseline. Supermarkets should do well with food inflation driving 6% growth in FY23e. Two important swing factors are savings and inflation. A drop in savings to pre-COVID levels will help spending and inflation will partly offset lower volumes.

Coles (COL) 1H22 result insights

Delivering on strategy

23 February 2022

Coles reported 1H22 EBIT down 4% to $975 million. The company has managed costs well and stabilised market share in Supermarkets, while growing share in Liquor.  We expect sales and earnings to improve in 2H22e, driven by higher food inflation. We estimate an acceleration of 150bp in packaged grocery inflation. Note there will still be a headwind to earnings in Liquor from rising costs and in Express as tobacco sales fall.

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