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Sigma Healthcare (SIG) - ACCC approves the merger

What the Sigma?

15 November 2024

The ACCC has approved the merger between Sigma and Chemist Warehouse. We expect the issuance of new shares to Chemist Warehouse will not be until February 2025 at the earliest and could be in March 2025. For a brief period, the stock could have a float-adjusted market cap of $14 billion. By April 2025, the market will increasingly turn its attention to the fundamental earnings and valuation drivers. The most compelling feature is strong revenue growth of circa 10-12%, with more than half from store count growth. The greatest unknown is where sustainable margins settle.

Australian supermarkets - ACCC Interim Report

Still loading the gun

03 October 2024

The ACCC’s interim report into Australian supermarkets has not produced any alarming concerns for Coles and Woolworths yet. However, it is too early to draw conclusions either way. The interim report is a very preliminary summary of the issues the ACCC will explore.  The ACCC is yet to process much of its data and there will be further submissions and interrogation over the next two months. We expect the risk to Coles and Woolworths is largely around their ability to expand gross margins to offset cost pressures. Beyond that, we expect the ACCC to conclude that the supermarkets do hold market power but are still largely competitive.

Sigma Healthcare (SIG) - 1H25 result analysis

Chemist Warehouse trading outshines Sigma

30 September 2024

Sigma Healthcare reported underlying EBIT growth of 20% in 1H25, while Chemist Warehouse reported standalone 2H24 EBIT growth of 37%. Chemist Warehouse EBIT for the comparable trading period is 14x larger than Sigma. This cements our view that the merger is the key driver of Sigma’s share price.

Sigma Healthcare (SIG) - Sector profit pool under pressure

Chemist Warehouse still the driver of share price

24 September 2024

The proposed date for ACCC’s findings on the Chemist Warehouse-Sigma merger is 24 October 2024.  The timeline slipped with further details provided by Chemist Warehouse and Sigma. It is not a guaranteed approval given the combined entity will be a very large operator in the pharmacy market. While some see store divestments appeasing the ACCC, we are less convinced. The first issue listed by the ACCC is the vertical integration caused by the acquisition.

The proposed merger between Chemist Warehouse and Sigma will create a business with close to $760 million of combined annual EBIT with growth of 12%-19% over the next four years. However, the first hurdle is ACCC approval which may be a drawn-out process. While there is an impressive growth profile, the prospects for rollout beyond Australia and New Zealand is still in its infancy. The upside case would see continued elevated like-for-like sales growth and a seamless integration of the Chemist Warehouse contract.

Australian supermarkets - grocery perspectives

Prices, profits and government scrutiny

31 January 2024

The Australian supermarket sector is under scrutiny given higher grocery prices. This report is written to give perspective about prices, profit margins and potential risk areas as the Senate inquiry is held over the next four months. Price increases in supermarkets largely reflect higher costs. However, retail prices have risen faster than the producer prices in fresh produce and red meat. Like almost all Australian businesses, supermarkets have faced higher costs and their profit margins are only slightly higher than pre COVID-19 levels.

Price Watch Issue 5 - Price discounts

The tactics and legal limits for retailers

29 March 2023

Consumers love a bargain and retailers usually like giving them one. In Issue 5 of Price Watch, we profile the pricing tactics used by major Australian retailers, the legal boundaries for price tactics and where retailers can trip themselves up. There is a lot of wasted promotional money in retail and there is earnings upside in the order of 3% to 5% by taking an analytical approach to promotions. Super Retail Group and Woolworths have introduced new systems to manage promotions, improving the efficiency of promotional spend and lifting gross margins.

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