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Australian supermarkets - ACCC Interim Report

Still loading the gun

03 October 2024

The ACCC’s interim report into Australian supermarkets has not produced any alarming concerns for Coles and Woolworths yet. However, it is too early to draw conclusions either way. The interim report is a very preliminary summary of the issues the ACCC will explore.  The ACCC is yet to process much of its data and there will be further submissions and interrogation over the next two months. We expect the risk to Coles and Woolworths is largely around their ability to expand gross margins to offset cost pressures. Beyond that, we expect the ACCC to conclude that the supermarkets do hold market power but are still largely competitive.

Australian supermarkets - Why are supermarket volumes declining?

The risk to supermarket revenue

24 May 2024

Australian supermarket volumes are likely to drop by 2% in FY24e on a per capita basis, which is a continuation of declines seen since March 2022. While higher food prices may explain some of the softness in volumes, other factors are at play including channel leakage, lack of store refurbishments and less new product innovation. We forecast 3.0% comparable sales growth for the supermarket sector in FY25e, but a downside case of 2.3% is possible if volumes continue to decline. A low rate of comp sales growth would be very challenging given comp cost growth is unlikely to fade. Weaker comp sales will put downward pressure on Coles and Woolworths profit margins.

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