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Inghams (ING) FY23 result insights

Price lead earnings recovery

19 August 2023

Inghams reported FY23 EBITDA growth of 36% on a pre AASB-16 basis. For the second-half, the EBITDA margin improved 260bp. Strong sales growth is price-driven and will support FY24e earnings. Production issues from FY22 are now resolved and volume growth should resume. Inghams is at the start of a multi-year recovery in EBITDA margins and it should achieve double-digit earnings growth.

Super retail (SUL) April 2023 trading update

Starting to see sales shift

05 May 2023

Super Retail Group’s trading update to the end of April 2023 reveals good sales trends are persisting but margin pressure is starting to show through. Gross margins are falling and operating costs are rising. In our view, sales trends are propped up by inflation which we expect to dissipate in 1H24e. Moreover, operating cost pressure will continue in FY24e, making that the year of earnings normalisation. Super Retail’s upcoming strategy day should send some positive messages about growth opportunities, but capex could be higher and defer any major capital management.

JB Hi-Fi (JBH) 3Q23 results insights

Sales decline now underway

05 May 2023

JB Hi-Fi’s 3Q23 trading update revealed only a modest slowdown in sales at JB Hi-Fi Australia, but a more notable slowdown in The Good Guys. JB Hi-Fi February and March comp sales fell 0.9% on our calculations and the Good Guys was down 5.7%. The distinction is largely a function of inflation trends shifting lower in appliances more so than consumer electronics. The downturn for JB Hi-Fi is proving orderly so far, but sales trends will slow further from here.

Domino's Pizza (DMP) 1H23 result

Franchisees feeling the pressure

24 February 2023

Domino’s reported network sales down 4% and EBIT down 21% in 1H23. The worrying sign near-term is weak same store sales growth (SSSg) trends persisted into 2H23e and the company has seen a volume reaction to its price rises, limiting its much-needed improvement in system profitability. Our primary concern is the deterioration of franchisee profitability which is trending 30% below recent peaks and at a level that will discourage new store openings.

Coles (COL) 1H23 result insights

Passing the baton at a crucial time

23 February 2023

Coles reported 1H23 sales up 4% and EBIT up 14%. The result showed good growth on the surface, however, reduced COVID-19 costs and the accounting associated with Express earnings drove growth. While sales growth should remain strong, inflation is peaking and operating cost growth could stay elevated too. Coles’ change of CEO comes at a crucial time where delivery of new distribution centres should drive earnings over the next three years.

JB Hi-Fi (JBH) 1H23 result insights

The sales reset begins

15 February 2023

While JB Hi-Fi had a record half of earnings in 1H23, that is in the rear-vision mirror. The forward trajectory suggests a normalisation of sales and earnings is imminent. We expect negative comp sales in 2H23e and 1H24e for both JB Hi-Fi Australia and The Good Guys. We expect gains from inflation, and The Good Guys improved buying terms.

Woolworths (WOW) Acquires majority of Petspiration

A new pet for the group

19 December 2022

Woolworths has announced a majority stake in Petspiration Group for $586 million, at an EV/EBITDA of 11x. This is a full price, particularly given Woolworths will deliver the majority of the synergies. We are concerned that industry-wide revenue may recede given the COVID-19 pet boom added more than 2.5m dogs and cats to households. Woolworths is building out its “ecosystem” and Petspiration is a natural extension. However, the more important share price driver is Australian Food, which needs to demonstrate that previous capex is delivering a return on investment.

Super Retail October trading update shows strong trends

Sales boom continues for now

31 October 2022

Super Retail Group’s trading update showed very strong sales for the first 16 weeks of FY23e. Sales are elevated given lockdowns dragged down sales last year. Even so, the three-year average growth rates are high single-digit at least, reflecting strong consumer demand and higher prices. We expect sales to slow from here and are therefore fundamentally cautious on the stock.

JB Hi-Fi 1Q23 sales insights

Double-digit growth now over

31 October 2022

JB Hi-Fi reported a very strong 1Q23 sales trading update, which was elevated given the period lapped lockdowns last year. The three-year average growth rates are mid to high single digits reflecting sustained consumer demand and support from both price inflation and mix. We expect sales momentum to slow in 2Q23e as the company laps a more normalised sales base. We forecast 2Q23e comp sales for JB Hi-Fi Australia at 4.4% and The Good Guys at 3.3%. Given we expect a sales slowdown from here, we are more cautious on the stock.

Wesfarmers (WES) 1H22 result insights

Earnings normalisation ahead

18 February 2022

Wesfarmers reported a 12% fall in 1H22 EBIT. While the company flagged a drop in group earnings, the fall in Bunnings earnings and higher cost growth raises concerns. We expect earnings to fall in 2H22e as well. The bigger picture is Wesfarmers is lapping very strong earnings across its retail businesses from FY21. We are not concerned about price inflation creating a headwind because Wesfarmers operates in rational markets. However, higher operating costs are likely, including additional investment in digital capabilities as the company competes for a more viable position online.

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