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Inghams (ING) 1H23 result

Paying more for chicken

21 February 2023

Inghams reported 1H23 sales up 9% and EBITDA down 16%. The contrast between sales and earnings reflects higher prices, more than offset by higher costs. The magnitude of the price rises is significant and will be an even greater contribution to sales in 2H23e on our estimates.

Inghams Group (ING) Assessing the feed cost headwind

Wheat and soybean meal prices spike

09 November 2022

Ingham’s earnings recovery is dependent on the path of feed costs and its ability to raise prices. There is a high degree of uncertainty on both parts but enough upside potential for us. We reduce our EBITDA forecasts by 4%-5% over the next two years given higher feed costs. However, price rises look like they are flowing through and any normalisation in commodity prices would lead to a meaningful profit margin rebound for the company.

Retail sales for September 2022

Online normalisation continues

05 November 2022

Australian retail sales rose 18.6% year on year in September 2022. The three-year compound annual growth rate for September was 8.8%, an acceleration on 7.7% in August. Interestingly, COVID-19 winning categories, hardware and furniture, have started to slow this month. Online sales have continued to fall, down 18.6% year on year, largely reflecting lockdowns last year. The three-year CAGR remains at 27%. We expect overall retail sales will show weakness in November as we lap large Black Friday sales. Retail sales are likely to be softer in 2023 as higher interest rates take effect and savings rates are lower.

Costa Group (CGC) 1H22 result

Citrus peeling off earnings

30 August 2022

Costa reported 1H22 EBITDA of $141 million in line with guidance given in July. While there was earnings growth, profit margins did fall and we expect lower margins in 2H22e. Pricing in mushrooms and berries has been strong, but the lower quality citrus harvest for 2022 will lower prices realised this year. We forecast EBITDA of $241 million for FY22e. The company has said that the outcome for citrus is unknown and we see an EBITDA range anywhere between $220 and $245 million as plausible.

Woolworths (WOW) FY22 result insights

A rebound in margins is coming

27 August 2022

Woolworths reported FY22 EBIT down 1%. However, 2H22 was encouraging with EBIT up 8%. Australian Food had higher gross margins and improved cost management. Food inflation remains a tailwind for sales and earnings. We expect a tough 1Q23 in sales for Australian Food but then a recovery, and profit margins should rise substantially this year given lower COVID-19 costs and gross margin gains. There are partial offsets from weaker EBIT in NZ which is largely COVID-19 related and much higher overheads.

Inghams (ING) FY22 result

Tough times to persist a little longer

22 August 2022

Inghams had a difficult FY22 with EBITDA pre AASB-16 of $135 million, down 35%. The worst of its disruptions are likely in the past. However, both higher feed costs and increasing operating costs are likely to still weigh on earnings in 1H23e. We expect 1H23e EBITDA to fall 9% and there is a good chance that its net debt to EBITDA rises to above 2.0x.

Retail sales for June 2022

Resilience on display

03 August 2022

Australian retail sales rose 12.2% year on year in June 2022. The three year compound annual growth rate for June was 7.8%, significantly above long term trends around 5%. Drilling down into categories, the strongest were cafes & restaurants and fashion. The only spot of weakness was fresh food specialists. In our view, retail sales will remain strong through the next four months lapping lockdowns from a year ago, with the first signs of weakness possible in November 2022. Retail sales are likely to be weak in 2023 given lower household income growth.

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