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Endeavour (EDV) 1H23 result insights

Margins back to “normal”

01 February 2023

Endeavour Group reported 1H23 EBIT growth of 16%. The result was characterised by a strong increase in profit margins in Hotels and good cost control in its Retail segment. However, when we look at performance from 1H20 to 1H23, operating cost growth has outstripped revenue growth in both Retail and Hotels. Cost growth will remain a headwind in our view over the next two years. Another unknown for investors is higher capex (or opex) associated with Endeavour’s technology transition over the next four years. We expect very limited earnings growth over the next two years as operating cost growth limits margin expansion.

Costa Group (CGC) 1H22 result

Citrus peeling off earnings

30 August 2022

Costa reported 1H22 EBITDA of $141 million in line with guidance given in July. While there was earnings growth, profit margins did fall and we expect lower margins in 2H22e. Pricing in mushrooms and berries has been strong, but the lower quality citrus harvest for 2022 will lower prices realised this year. We forecast EBITDA of $241 million for FY22e. The company has said that the outcome for citrus is unknown and we see an EBITDA range anywhere between $220 and $245 million as plausible.

JB Hi-Fi (JBH) FY22 result insights

The peak is now in sight

17 August 2022

JB Hi-Fi reported FY22 EBIT growth of 7%, with 2H22 EBIT rising 33%. Sales momentum has strengthened slightly in July 2022 and the first-half of FY23e should see good earnings growth. Based on our analysis, it is calendar 2023 where sales could fall and profit margins decline. We are increasingly cautious on the stock given sales trends are likely to turn negative in calendar 2023.

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