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Coles (COL) - Investor day insights

Long-dated capex

19 November 2024

Coles’ investor day last week kept the messages high level and consistent about its strategy with an emphasis on value, digital evolution and efficient execution. The focus was its online and distribution centre automated fulfillment. While Witron is clearly proven, for the Ocado CFCs, we expect the payback will be very long-dated. Coles recent capex projects will lift profit margins over the next two years. 

Coles Group (COL) - FY24 result analysis

More ups than downs

30 August 2024

Coles reported underlying EBIT up 5.7% for FY24 on a 52-week basis. EBIT growth in Supermarkets was much stronger in the second-half but Liquor earnings fell significantly. Coles had a step-down in sales trends in 2H24 and these are likely to continue. The gross margin gains from lower stock loss in FY25e should underpin a flat EPS year with better EPS growth in FY26e as the benefits of the Witron and Ocado capex projects comes to fruition.

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