Super Retail Group reported EBIT down 3% in 1H24 with cost growth ahead of sales growth. Super Retail Group’s trading update was soft, but its sales trends are unlikely to deteriorate from here. The challenge is operating cost growth of 6.5% is the base case for 2H24e with sales growth of only 1.2%. Wage and rent cost growth will remain elevated.
Woolworths 1H24 EBIT growth of 3% revealed a stark contrast amongst its divisions, with Australian Food EBIT up 10%, but NZ earnings down 41% and Big W down 60%. The challenge for the company is that its Australian Food sales are slowing rapidly. We also expect the outsized contribution from eCommerce and Digital & Data to moderate. The concern is lower food inflation crimping Food segment margins and a lower profit margin for Big W. With a change of CEO and weaker food inflation outlook, we expect the earnings outlook on the company to be moderated.