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Post-Christmas feedback 2021

A debate about COVID-19 once again

06 January 2022

Our feedback from a range of contacts is that Christmas 2021 trading was solid, particularly given the high base from 2020. The strongest feedback comes from the furniture sector. Whitegoods were strong and supermarkets had a late rush in sales. While a good festive season, the debate is going to shift quickly to the impact that COVID-19 has had on January 2022 trading. Sales could be down 10%-20% for the month leading to 3%-5% full year EPS risk in our view.

Debating price inflation in Australian retail

What if retail inflation hit 5%?

25 October 2021

Australian retail price inflation has been low for a long time. However, input and supply chain costs have increased substantially in the past year. What if we had 5% inflation in both food and non-food in 2022? This is a hypothetical question to raise the debate about the implications of higher retail prices. High price inflation is likely to boost retail earnings in the first 12 months. If we have 5% price inflation, the upside to earnings is 6%-12%.

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